Posts Categorized: Expert Posts

The Surprising Benefits of Mixed-Age Classes

If you’re like many of us, you probably grew up learning in classrooms separated by age: First-graders in one room, second-graders in another, and so on. This is a common way to educate children, but it’s not the only way. You may have heard that Montessori schools combine multiple ages into each classroom, but did you know Music Together pioneered bringing mixed-age groupings to parent-child programs? Read more.

From Lili’s Desk: The Music Hotspot in Our Brains

Soundwave reaches ear

The first point of the Music Together philosophy is “All Children Are Musical.” Thirty years ago, this philosophical point was primarily grounded in “faith” and conviction. It wasn’t until 2005 that scientific evidence from other disciplines emerged to support music as an essential life skill. Read more

Tuning In to How Your Child Learns

Look around a Music Together class and you’ll notice different behavioral “personalities.” Some children sit still and stare at their parent or teacher singing. Others gaze out the window or look at their toes. And some are constantly in motion, jumping or toddling around exuberantly, even when everyone else is in a close circle quietly singing. Do you recognize your child in any of these examples? Read more

Fall 2017 Conference Season

Every year, Music Together early childhood specialists attend dozens of early childhood music, education, and music therapy conferences. As authorities on the role of music in early childhood, we present popular workshop sessions on the role of music in early childhood. Read more

My Toddler Won’t Let Me Sing!

We’ve heard this from lots of parents over the years: You’re singing along to your favorite song, when suddenly your toddler says, “Don’t sing, Mama!” or “Stop singing, Daddy!” This can be disconcerting! We want our children to speak their mind and express their desires, but what do we do when their desires conflict with our desire to sing? Read more

A Song to Ease Separation Anxiety

Children Singing in School

“I still remember how nervous I felt on my son’s first day of preschool,” says Music Together teacher Ellen Acuna. “I wondered if my spirited three-year-old would sit still, follow directions, or exercise impulse control if a classmate knocked down his blocks. Read more

Filling the Musical Chest of Drawers

Ever wonder why you can remember every song from summer camp, but can’t recall the words to the latest Justin Timberlake tune that’s been taking over your Pandora playlist? It’s related to how music is stored in memory—or, more precisely, how adequately it was stored there in the first place and how easily accessible the memories are. Read more

How Making Music Together Supports Coordination

As you know, Music Together is a music and movement program. In class and at home, children and grownups participate in both large movement and small movement activities. In addition to helping build fine and gross motor skills, these help your child with other important movement skills essential to physical development… Read more