Amidst the picturesque mountains of Zurich, Switzerland, many devoted families attend classes at director Cezanne Winter’s center, Music Together Zurich. However, none are quite so invested as Sara Keene (not her real name), who has continuously attended classes for thirteen years—and counting.
Sara discovered Music Together in 2006, when a friend recommended it to her after the birth of her first child. “I immediately thought that this program would be very stimulating for the development of my child, and also a great opportunity to have an activity to meet other mothers with children,” Sara recalls. Little did she know that Music Together would become an activity that she would continue to love for so many years, or that her household would blossom into a family of six—three boys and three girls! Over the years, she has enrolled all of her children in mixed-age classes from the time they were born through age four, with her youngest children still in attendance.
Sara goes to every class with her children, typically enrolling two siblings at a time. She enjoys the camaraderie that builds within the playful, safe environs of the class community. She also believes that the program has greatly enhanced her children’s interest in continuing to make music. “When the older children were young, they had a lot of fun ‘replaying’ the Music Together classes at home,” she says. “All my children have expressed an interest in learning to play instruments, and some have developed a real passion for it. Developing a passion for something is the most important thing of all for me.”
By now, Sara and her children are quite familiar with the Music Together collections; over the years they have enjoyed singing the songs at home, in the car, and as they go about their daily activities. The tunes have become a part of the children’s lives, with the older siblings passing on their favorites to the younger ones. And with so many songs to choose from, the music never gets old for this family. “We love all the songs, but in every collection we find ones that become our favorites. And when there are new songs that come out, that is always very entertaining!” remarks Sara. A few they especially like are “A Ram Sam Sam,” “All Around the Kitchen,” and “Dancing with Teddy.”
Soon, Sara will be making even more Music Together memories with the new baby she is expecting! She looks forward to continuing to share the wonder of music with her children as they learn and grow with Music Together. “Music…was the first language that my children learned,” says Sara. “And because all my children attended Music Together, we all ‘speak’ that same language. The songs are a lasting memory for everyone.”