Happy Trails!

Parents today worry about touring with their tots, both because of how restless the children can get and because of the many opportunities for judgement of their parenting skills. But, fear not! The following useful tips for family music-making will help you put the bon in bon voyage. Read more!

Musical Parenting Hacks

Ever wanted a magic wand to tame a tantrum? Thrown your hands up trying to get your child to eat another bite? Or wondered how many more miles ’til they hit the road to dreamland? Whatever your parenting 911, we’ve got a musical parenting hack for you to try! The great news is you already have the goods to make the magic happen! So, exhale and read on…

Music Together Celebrates Music Monday

Next week is the annual Week of the Young Child, hosted by our friends at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This year, Music Together is proud once again to sponsor Music Monday, on April 8, to celebrate music in early childhood. Enter Our Music Monday Giveaway In honor of Music… Read more »

The Surprising Benefits of Mixed-Age Classes

If you’re like many of us, you probably grew up learning in classrooms separated by age: First-graders in one room, second-graders in another, and so on. This is a common way to educate children, but it’s not the only way. You may have heard that Montessori schools combine multiple ages into each classroom, but did you know Music Together pioneered bringing mixed-age groupings to parent-child programs? Read more.

Family Profile: Peter, Stephanie, and Savion Rich

When Peter and Stephanie Rich were choosing a name for their son, they knew they wanted a name that connected to harmony, and peace, and music. They were both very familiar with the Tony Award–winning tap dance master/choreographer Savion Glover, and they liked having a connection to an artist that they admired. Read more.

Get Ready to Play on Kids Music Day


On Friday, October 5, we’ll be celebrating the 3rd Annual Kids Music Day, and we hope you’ll join in! Founded by the national nonprofit organization Keep Music Alive, Kids Music Day was created to inspire music schools, retailers, and other organizations to hold events that honor and benefit kids making music. Learn more.