Celebrate Make Music Day on June 21

Communities around the world are planning Make Music Day festivities, with over 4,000 free, outdoor concerts, music lessons, and jam sessions taking place in the US alone on June 21. The annual global celebration of music brings people of all styles, ages, and skill levels together to make and enjoy music. Read more

Music Together and Little Kids Rock Deliver Brand New Instruments to Philadelphia Students

On May 30, 2017, Music Together joined music education nonprofit Little Kids Rock to deliver brand new instruments to students at Franklin Learning Center in Philadelphia, PA, in celebration of our support of Little Kids Rock as they provide resources, curriculum, and instruments to music students in underserved schools across the United States. Read more

Filling the Musical Chest of Drawers

Ever wonder why you can remember every song from summer camp, but can’t recall the words to the latest Justin Timberlake tune that’s been taking over your Pandora playlist? It’s related to how music is stored in memory—or, more precisely, how adequately it was stored there in the first place and how easily accessible the memories are. Read more

The Next Step: Is Your Child Ready for Music Lessons?

You may be wondering if it’s time to sign your preschooler up for formal music instruction, like piano lessons. Music Together Founder/Artistic Director Ken Guilmartin has the following advice…. Read more

How Making Music Together Supports Coordination

As you know, Music Together is a music and movement program. In class and at home, children and grownups participate in both large movement and small movement activities. In addition to helping build fine and gross motor skills, these help your child with other important movement skills essential to physical development… Read more

Diaper Bag Songs

Mom with baby holding egg shaker

We have a valuable tip for those of you looking for new ideas to deal with fussy little ones: Sing! Changing the words to a few simple songs can make stressful times of day, like transitions, easier for your family. We call these “Diaper Bag Songs” because you can pull them out at any moment. Read on…

The Beat Goes On!

On a sunny Tuesday afternoon at the Las Villas de Carlsbad retirement and assisted living center in Carlsbad, California, a large group of senior residents, children, and parents jam and sing to a rousing rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In” as part of their weekly Music Together class. Read on…

Musical Parenting Hacks

Ever wanted a magic wand to tame a tantrum? Thrown your hands up trying to get your child to eat another bite? Or wondered how many more miles ’til they hit the road to dreamland? Whatever your parenting 911, we’ve got a musical parenting hack for you to try! The great news is you already have the goods to make the magic happen! So, exhale and read on…

Five Years of Spreading Holiday Cheer with the TODAY Show

During the holiday season, many of us love to give gifts that put smiles on our loved ones’ faces. Here at Music Together, we want to help those in need experience this favorite holiday tradition, so we started one of our own. For the past four holiday seasons, we’ve donated to the TODAY Show Holiday Toy & Gift Drive—and we’re proud to make it number five in 2016! Read More…

First Notes: How Your Baby Responds to Music

Babies noisily make their grand entrances into this world. At first, all of those cries might not sound like music, but they’re really the first signs of a baby’s innate musicality. Just as they have to babble to develop language, babies have to “babble” in music to learn to sing. Little ones are born with a natural capacity to make music, whether they’re cooing, squealing, crying, or, eventually, giggling and babbling. Read More…