Music Together Announces New CEO

We are excited to announce Susan Darrow, longtime Music Together center director, Teacher Trainer, and our first Director of Educational Services, has assumed the position of CEO of Music Together LLC. She was named successor to Music Together’s Founder/Artistic Director, Kenneth K. Guilmartin, who launched the organization in 1987. Read More…

Parents and Caregivers Are the Real Teachers

I’d like to talk to you about the idea that is fundamental to the Music Together approach—that parents and caregivers are a child’s most important teachers. Children learn music by seeing people they love model how to be active music-makers. And, in turn, the adults become more and more adept at interacting with their kids… Read more »

Our Experts on PBS Kids

Music Together coauthors Ken Guilmartin and Dr. Lili Levinowitz have both been featured on the PBS Parents website. Check out these two pieces: The Benefits of Music Education: Ken was interviewed for a story about the value of music to young children that was published on the PBS Parents website. What Music Should My Children Listen… Read more »

Play and Music Together

(some excerpts from Music and Your Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers) For a child “play begins in delight and ends in wisdom.” Children are born experts at it, and this magical process is absolutely necessary for them to teach themselves what they need to know about their world. There are several important characteristics… Read more »

Infant Learning and Music

As a new faculty member at Iowa State University in the ‘80s, Sister Lorna Zemke was an important influence for me. Sister taught at Silver Lake College and was a pioneer in prenatal music development. I was fascinated by her program, which involved singing to babies in utero. She observed that newborns recognized their parents’… Read more »

Singing Development in Infancy

In a previous entry, Dr. Ransom shared how she uses music to have beautiful days with her grandson. Now she’s back with some ideas for how you might decipher and support the musical sounds that your baby makes every day. What is vocal development for an infant? What does vocal development look like? We all… Read more »

Babies and Music: Exploring the Research

Babies: so adored, so cherished, and so mysterious! Parents often stare at their newborns, wondering, “What is going on inside that little, tiny mind?” The curiosity is even more intense when that little baby is all curled up inside its mother’s womb, before birth. Did you know that the baby’s most developed sense, before birth,… Read more »