Posts Tagged: child development

Find Inclusive Family Music-Making for Neurodiverse Early Learners at Music Together®

A group of families sitting in a circle at Music Together class

Carol Ann Blank, Ph.D., MT-BCManager of Research and Inclusion Support Services, Music Together Worldwide Music Together® classes are microcosms of our communities, so whether your child is neurotypical or neurodiverse, our community includes you! Music Together strives to offer inclusive music-making experiences that all families can enjoy with their children. That is why we welcome… Read more »

Practicing Inhibitory Control in Music Together® Class

A family in Music Together class

You’re sitting in your Music Together® class, and your teacher sings, “Oh, John the Rabbit.” In response, you sing, “Yes ma’am!” A little later on, your teacher might split the room in half, with one half singing the verse and the other singing the answer. In both experiences, you have to listen closely and wait… Read more »

Music Together® and the Power of Music in Early Childhood Classrooms

Music Together Worldwide staff at the 2024 NAEYC Annual Conference

The value of what we do extends beyond our family classes. Did you know that Music Together® is offered in schools as well? In early November 2024, representatives from the Music Together In-School Services department attended the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference & Expo in Anaheim, CA. This is… Read more »

Eggs vs. Sticks: Two Instruments We Play in Music Together® Class—and Why

Mom and baby playing rhythm sticks in Music Together class

Two Songs, Two Instruments As you sing “Roo, roo, roo, roo. . . Sing roo, sing ho-key din-kum!” (“Sweet Potato”) in your Music Together® class, your teacher might hand out egg shakers and model shaking them high in the air, in front of you, side-to-side, and more. A little later, you might all be clicking… Read more »

Threes and Fours in Music Together® Classes

MT Mixed Age Class

Between preschool, playdates, and activities, three- and four-year-olds can have super-busy schedules! With so many demands on their (and YOUR) time, we’re sometimes asked whether it makes sense for these not-so-littles to continue their Music Together® classes. As you plan your family’s schedule, here are a few answers to your questions that give insights into how… Read more »

My Toddler Won’t Let Me Sing!

We’ve heard this from lots of parents over the years: You’re singing along to your favorite song, when suddenly your toddler says, “Don’t sing, Mama!” or “Stop singing, Daddy!” This can be disconcerting! We want our children to speak their mind and express their desires, but what do we do when their desires conflict with… Read more »

The Surprising Benefits of Mixed-Age Classes

If you’re like many of us, you probably grew up learning in classrooms separated by age: First-graders in one room, second-graders in another, and so on. This is a common way to educate children, but it’s not the only way. You may have heard that Montessori schools combine multiple ages into each classroom, but did you know Music Together pioneered bringing mixed-age groupings to parent-child programs? Read more.

Tuning In to How Your Child Learns

Look around a Music Together class and you’ll notice different behavioral “personalities.” Some children sit still and stare at their parent or teacher singing. Others gaze out the window or look at their toes. And some are constantly in motion, jumping or toddling around exuberantly, even when everyone else is in a close circle quietly singing. Do you recognize your child in any of these examples? Read more