Share Your Family's Experience

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2021

We're gathering parent voices from around the world for a social video series, and we would love to add yours to the mix! Share your experience with Music Together® this semester by uploading a short video (1 minute or less). We'll use as many clips as we can! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to help spread the word about Music Together! Everyone who submits a video will be entered into a drawing for a Singalong Storybook Gift Set. We'll email the winner in late March. If you have any questions, feel free to email

We'd Love to Hear...

In your video, we'd love to get your answers to any or all of the following questions—in addition to anything else you'd like to share, of course!

  • What would you tell your best friend about Music Together?
  • Describe Music Together in three words!
  • How has Music Together helped your family get through this challenging year?

Looking for more inspiration?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Describe the impact Music Together has had on your family.
  • What does your family like about the class?
  • How does making music together make you feel?
  • What surprised you about Music Together Online?
  • Describe how you and your child may have connected musically through Music Together.
  • How has the music-making from class carried over into the rest of the week?

Share At-home Music Time

We'd love to see your family making music at home, either during or after class. If you'd like to share a short video of your family participating in a music activity together, feel free to upload that, too. Please don't send footage of just your child watching the class without you. We’re looking to show families making music together.

Upload Your Video(s)

First, fill out and sign the Release Form. By submitting your video(s), you also agree to the terms of our Photo and Video Submission Agreement. Then, enter your contact information below, type "Yes" to "I have read and signed the Release Form," drag-and-drop or choose your video file(s), and click "Upload" to complete the submission.

MT Parent Testimonial Tile

Filming & Tech Tips

  • You can appear alone in the video or along with your child(ren).
  • You're welcome to mention your location if you'd like, but please don't name your teacher.
  • Hold your phone horizontally and frame yourself like you would for a selfie, so you are close to the microphone on the camera.
  • Go into your camera settings and be sure you are recording either in HD or 4K, preferably 1920x1080 so the image fills the screen.
  • Use a tripod if you have one to avoid a shaky video.
  • Be sure you're well lit. Natural light from windows is a great source of light, but always have the light source behind the camera, otherwise you’ll be too dark. Don't stand in front of a window or mirror.
  • Maximum length: 1 minute