Here's how to say "Hello, everybody, so glad to see you!" in just a few of the many languages spoken by Music Together families (spelled out phonetically, as needed). Have fun trying a few, and if you know the translation in another language, share it with us on Facebook. To get you started, here is the "Hello Song" in Italian and Spanish. Enjoy!
Canzone del saluto
Canción de bienvenida
- Armenian Parev amen mart: Shad oorakh em kez desnel
- French Bonjour, tout le monde, si heureux de vous voir!
- German Hallo, an alle, so froh euch zu sehen!
- Greek Yeia sas, oloi, etsi charoύme na sas thoύme!
- Hebrew Shalom leh kulam, tov lir otchem!
- Hindi Namaste, saa ray buch che, milnay se khushee!
- Italian Ciao, ciao a tutti, un saluto per voi!
- Japanese Kon-nichiwa, mi-na-san, o-ai-dekite-ureshe-desu!
- Polish Witam, wszystkich, i cieszę się, ze cię widzę!
- Slovenian Zivjo vsem skupaj, pozdravček za vas!
- Spanish ¡Hola, amigos! ¡Qué gusto verlos hoy!