Chris Posluszny, Preschool Teacher/Parent
How did you become involved with Music Together?
I've known Ken, (Ken Guilmartin, founder of Music Together), since 1984 when my son was in kindergarten at the Montclair Co-op School and Ken was his music teacher. Ken had done some work at Temple University with Edwin Gordon and was interested in developing a program. He and Lili Levinowitz came to the co-op and tried things out in my classroom. Ken and I also did some of the aptitude testing and did tonal and rhythm pattern training with the whole school. As Music Together evolved, Ken asked me to teach. This was probably the fall of 1988. I worked with Ken, observed one class of Lili's, learned the music, and jumped right in. I came to this as an early childhood educator. I don't play instruments, but I do the program without accompaniment. I have the same three classes on Saturday, and I don't want to get bigger. I love the program. You teach preschool during the week.
Do you use Music Together ideas or music?
The older children (four, five, and six years old) require additional materials, but I certainly do include a lot of the Music Together experiences.
How has this been rewarding for you personally?
My own children are grown up now, and I just adore having the contact with the really little ones. I also think it is really important work. Although there are times when I would like my Saturday mornings back, I think that through Music Together we are expanding the receptive and expressive possibilities of children. The more children perceive and express, the better off they'll be in everything.
What's your advice to someone trying to decide if this is a program for him or her?
Jump right in! There are bound to be classes that are less successful than others, but children are so forgiving. And the program is so much fun! People with energy, passion and a sense of humor will be wonderful in the program.
Chris Posluszny is a preschool teacher in Montclair, New Jersey, at the Montclair Cooperative School.