The Benefits of Music for Children
The effects of music on children are magical. Music can be both energizing and calming, and it can enhance bonding and help with transitions. Anyone who has sung a fussy child to sleep knows that music can be transformative. And as you’ve undoubtedly discovered while trying to wrestle your little one into their clothes, singing to make the process fun also makes it a whole lot easier!
These benefits of music are a compelling reason for you to make every day with your child a musical one! And as it turns out, there’s a lot of learning involved, too.
Music Learning Supports All Learning®
In our research-based Music Together® classes, the benefits of learning music for children include learning how to sing in tune and how to keep a beat. Another important benefit of learning music is that it can allow your child’s creativity and self-expression to blossom and increase your child’s confidence.
Learning music also supports your child’s overall development—something we call Music Learning Supports All Learning®. Active music-making creates unique connections in the brain that support your child’s language, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development, too.
Benefits for Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Big Kids
There are benefits of learning music for children at every stage. Read more about your child’s stage and the type of class that is right for them.

Your baby is a natural-born music-maker—cooing when you sing a nursery rhyme or wiggling when you dance to your favorite song. Even wee babies are alert to musical sounds and respond to melody and rhythm. In one of our Babies or Mixed-Age classes, you’ll learn musical ways to interact and bond with your baby, support their brain development, and nurture their inner musician.

Your always curious, sometimes furious toddler is starting to learn about the world and to interact with grownups and other children in new (and often surprising) ways. Toddlers learn by watching others, playing, and experimenting. Our Mixed-Age classes are perfectly aligned with this type of learning because they allow children to participate in their own way in a relaxed, family-style atmosphere.

Your preschooler’s musical creativity, enthusiasm, and skills are growing by leaps and bounds! In our Mixed-Age classes, preschoolers are the class leaders and are encouraged to contribute their ideas and lead the younger children, who love to watch and imitate them. And because Music Learning Supports All Learning®, your preschooler will also be developing other skills they’ll need to succeed both in school and in life.

Your big kid has increased confidence and new leadership skills. Older children like challenges, and structure, and games with rules, but don’t be fooled—they still like to play! Our active Rhythm Kids classes tap into how children this age are wired to learn, with music games, animal rhythm stories, and lots of stomping-flying-climbing fun.