Music Together® Class Types
When you hear the phrase, "kids' music classes," you might envision a room with a teacher in front of a semi-circle of children, with a line of adults standing against the wall, lattes in hand. In reality, Music Together classes are informal, and all about family fun! In our classes, the grownups have just as much fun as the children as everyone sings, dances, and plays rhythm instruments—together! (No latte required.) And the take-home materials that every family receives help continue the fun at home.
Music Together offers a range of class types by age group—babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids! In our classes, a variety of ages, stages, and learning styles are welcome. Take a look at what we offer. There's certain to be a class that's just right for your family.

Your baby was born to make music, and our Babies Class is the perfect way to start! Designed for babies from birth through 8 months, this one-semester introductory class shows you lots of ways to interact musically with your infant and helps connect you with other new moms and dads in your community.
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Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers—and the grownups who love them!—play and learn together in our Mixed-Age classes, for children from birth through age 5. Interactive and stimulating, Mixed-Age classes feature family-style learning in an informal, communal setting.
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Designed specifically for pre-K and early elementary students, our active Rhythm Kids classes tap into how children this age are wired to learn, with music games, animal rhythm stories, and lots of stomping-flying-climbing fun. In class, kids drum, sing, move, and play to rhythms inspired by musical traditions around the world.
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Generations classes bring our Mixed-Age classes to senior centers. When seniors and children make music together, they make magic, too! These unique classes provide social and emotional benefits both to the seniors and to your child—a win-win for everyone.
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Calling all adults: Music Together has a class just for you! Here’s your chance to learn how to play your child’s favorite Music Together songs on the guitar. Dazzle your family! Amaze your friends! Playing guitar in your at-home jam sessions makes family music-making even more fun.
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¡Hola, amigos! Music Together has introduced this Spanish immersion music class to offer families a way of learning Spanish through music. Designed for Spanish learners as well as native speakers, this class includes music from a variety of different Spanish-speaking countries and cultures.
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